
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving - Cowboys football

The NFL Dallas Cowboys are Face the borders of Texas and far beyond. In a span of more than forty years, the team has entertained and performs for his fans at a high level. Apart from its great success in the field, "team of the United States" has only managed outside of the field and is considered one of most valuable teams sports in North America. One of the most anticipated games for the Cowboys each year is the classic Thanksgiving.

Also known as the classic Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving game has been part of the history of the NFL for quite some time.Thanksgiving games are generally accommodated in Stadium home of the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys with some excepciones.En 2006 Kansas City Chiefs also organized a Thanksgiving game.

The Detroit Lions are perennial host the event, which entertained a Thanksgiving game every year since 1934.The opponent of Lions in the first game was the Chicago Bears, who won 19-16.Hasta game date, Detroit Lions played 65 games Thanksgiving. The only time that the lions have not hosted a game on this day was at from1939 year 1944 due to World War II.

In 1960, the Cowboys joined the NFL as a team in expansion and 1966 organized his first classic Thanksgiving in the Cotton Bowl. Since 1966 the Cowboys have hosted a game each year (since 1971 at Texas Stadium) with the exceptions of 1975 and 1977, when the St. Louis Cardinals hosted. The Cowboys were victorious in their first game in 1966 defeating the Cleveland Browns 26-14.

Day of Thanksgiving, football and soccer Cowboys go hand in hand. It has become a tradition in the United States to sit during a Turkey dinner with friends and family while keeping an eye on the game of football. For some fans day of Thanksgiving, revolves around Classic day of Thanksgiving NFL and your TV. The lucky few who have tickets for the game come to enjoy its action front and encouraging their team Thanksgiving day.

Needless to say, there has been some classic Cowboys football played on Thanksgiving day. In 1974 the Cowboys, at the end of his rival Washington Red skins and playing with the rookie field marshal, Clint Longley, for an injured Roger Staubach, managed to steal the victory with 28 seconds when Longley launched a 50-yard touchdown pass. The Cowboys won the game 24 to 23.In 1990 the Cowboys were again compares the Redskins in gracias.Novato action day Emmitt Smith took the ball 23 times and rushed for 132 yards, including two second half touchdowns as the Cowboys scored points 17 end of the game to beat the Redskins 27-17. In 1998, the Cowboys are compared with the Minnesota Vikings. Randy Moss, the rookie Viking wide receiver, captured only three passes that game but they were all touchdowns as ended the day with 163 yards receiving.Troy Aikman spent 455 yards in the same game.In spite of the efforts of Aikman, left Minnesota to defeat the Cowboys from 36 to 46.

Thank you and Dallas Cowboys action day are inextricably United.Cannot have one without the other.Each year for fans of the game look forward to enjoying their football with a help of Turquía.El classic Thanksgiving dinner party has existed for many years - is part of the history of the NFL and the fact Dallas.De Cowboys, Thanksgiving classic has become a tradition in endless homes United States and North America.

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