
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Fit body for Golfing success

Golf is a game requiring mastery in a variety of areas for success. Breaking down the game of golf into categories. Success and development within is required in the areas of mechanics, physical, nutritional, and mental. Mechanics is the development of the proper biomechanics of the golf swing. Physical entails developing the body around the golf swing. Nutrition incorporates fueling the body for proper success on the golf course. Mental is the development of the correct mind set to excel at the game of golf.

Each and every one of these categories has a direct affect on the development of your golf game. Often the golfer tends to focus only upon the development of the golf swing through mastery of biomechanics of the golf swing. Developing the biomechanics of the golf swing requires you to correctly master each phase of the golf swing. Often the golf swing is broken down into phases. These phases are address, backswing, transition, downswing, and follow through. Not only is it required of the amateur to master each movement entailed in the phases of the golf swing. It is also necessary to perform each specific movement with the correct timing. Finally, the discussion of the biomechanics requires you to create efficiency and repeatability within the golf swing. After recognizing all the intricacies involved in the development of efficient golf swing mechanics. It is understandable why golfers spend an in ornate amount of this part of developing their golf game.

What golfers at times fail to recognize that additional categories exist requiring development to create the optimal golf swing. If ignored these aspects can negatively affect the development of the golf swing and golf game. The next category requiring development within the golfer is categorized as physical. Physical refers to the development of the body around the golf swing. Often times the body is a hindrance in the development of the biomechanics of the golf swing. The golf swing requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power within the body to execute the golf swing correctly. If the body is lacking in any one of these physical categories, the ability to perform the biomechanics of the golf swing correctly will be hindered. The end result is the possible inability to master the biomechanics of the golf swing. The common result is the development of compensations in the golf swing. For example, the golf swing requires a high level of flexibility to complete a full shoulder turn. If the golfer is lacking flexibility, the ability to complete a full shoulder turn will be compromised, thus causing compensations in the golf swing.

Each and every physical component has a direct effect on the execution of the golf swing. Compensations can easily occur if these physical aspects are not developed around the golf swing. In addition to developing these physical aspects of the body, it is of equal importance to develop these parameters around the biomechanics of the golf swing. This type of training is termed cross-specific training. Cross-specific training can be defined as the developing the physical parameters of the body to the positions, movement, and requirements of the golf swing. This simply states the components of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power must be developed around the requirements of the golf swing.

After understanding the physical component of golf swing development. The golfer must understand two additional categories directly affecting the game of golf. The next category the golfer must understand and develop is nutrition. Nutrition is a fairly basic component to understand in relation to golf or any other athletic endeavor. Essentially, nutrition is the process by which one fuels their body for their sport. Basically if poor nutrients are given to the body during athletic endeavors, outputs on the field of competition (i.e. golf course for golfers) will be less than optimal. Nutrition in relation to athletes is not solely concerned about weight loss, but more so on providing the body with the nutrients required for success on and off the course. Weight loss and good health go hand-in-hand with proper nutrition, but with athletes the number one concern is properly fueling the body for success in their chosen sport. Nutrition in golf and athletics in general are required for success during competition and development of the athlete in their chosen sport.

For example, nutrition fuels the body in the development of it physically. In order to develop higher levels of strength and power within the golfer, proper nutrition will undoubtedly increase the success within this category. If the body is provided proper nutrients, the ability of it to develop the physical requirements needed of the golf swing will occur at a much more optimal process.

The final category lending itself to develop of one's golf game is mental. Often referred to as a key element of success within the game of golf. Numerous materials exist on the development of the mind within golf. It is often a category that is address once a proficiency in the area of golf swing mechanics has materialized, but at times is overlooked by many amateurs within the game. A grasping of the basic concepts of positive mental outlook, visualization, and preparation can improve a golfer's success rate on course a great deal. As with all other categories requiring development for the game of golf, the mental side of game is in need of attention.

Development of a golfer's swing and game consists of much more than the golf swing itself. It requires efficiency within the biomechanics of the golf swing. Inside these biomechanics of the golf are ingraining the correct sequence of the golf swing and the timing required. Developing the biomechanics of the golf swing can hinge upon physical components of the body. Certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power are required to execute the golf swing correctly. On top of developing the body for the golf swing proper nutrition is required. Nutrition fuels the body during a round of golf and assists in the process of developing a well rounded golf game. Finally, the correct mental approach is required for success within this game of golf. The mental side of the game requires just as much attention as the other components in the development of your game of golf. All in all a comprehensive approach in the development of your golf game is required for optimal success in the game of golf. This entails time and effort in the areas of: golf swing biomechanics, developing the flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power required physically of the golf swing, properly fueling the body with optimal nutrition, and development of a sound mental approach to the game of golf.

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